Infographic: Know your rights–Domestic abuse
Published: July 23, 2018
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Design by Loulwa Elali
In Canada, abuse is never tolerated. There are laws in Ontario that protect you against domestic abuse.
What is domestic abuse?
- Physical
- Sexual
- Emotional
- Financial
Domestic abuse happens between
- Spouses/partners
- Parent/caregiver and child
- Caregiver and family member
- Family member and elderly person
Examples of domestic abuse
- hitting
- pushing
- burning
- pinching
- punching
- slapping
- kicking
- stabbing
- cutting
- taking your money or paycheck without permission
- withholding money, so that you can’t pay for things you or your children need, such as food, shelter or medical treatment
- insults or humiliation
- intimidation
- harassment or threats
- criticizing or blaming
- breaking your things
- hurting or threatening to hurt family or friends or pets
- keeping you from seeing your family or friends
- threatening to take away or hurt your children
- any time someone touches you in a sexual way without your consent
- continues sexual activity when you asked to stop
- forces you to commit unsafe or humiliating sexual acts
Abuse can also include controlling you in a way that you’re not able to do things freely. This can include:
- withholding your passport, identification or other important documents
- keeping you in your home and not allowing you to leave
- constantly questioning and monitoring your internet and phone use
- not allowing you to see your family and friends